Thursday, December 30, 2010

Unforgettable Step

It was four months back that my steps took me to the land known as 'the land of opportunities'-U.S. Indeed, the title was legit. I was showered with opportunities, not the ones that can be spent around to be left broke, but with those that are felt, lived and absorbed into your very existence.

Every moment was a novel lesson. I met the world there- youth from Far East, Mediterranean, Caucasus, Sub-Sahara. They came from regions miles apart, places that I couldn't spot on the map, lands that were divided by wars, nations that once ruled, countries that now rule, but, in that one room, we were friends, we were Family. It was a mesmerizing feeling to hear different languages, discuss diverse perspectives and experience various cultures.

It was an environment that was a lot different, yet held a familiar fragrance. There arrived chilly winds, but were soon pushed back by the sprawling arms of warmth. At times I was so lost, on other occasions, it was Home.

It all felt like a dream, and a dream it was. I woke up... back to where I began. But something is changed. I can breathe the difference, in myself, in my memories. It was a dream that transformed my reality.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Thumping sounds, rushed gaits 
Big dreams, lavish ways
Amid these, I see my feet
Reluctantly they rise, scared they feel
With gradual leaps, with small steps
They steer me for my journey left
They may not win life's relentless race
But will leave their never fade

This Blog is dedicated to my feet and the paths through which they take me.............:)