As two of my friends brandished their love for technology and expressed elation for being born in this time and age, I listened, silently. The outward silence was not matched by the commotion that was rising inside of me. I do not belong to this era I thought. I am a lover of simple life.
Technology is not for me. Living in Karachi, the fast paced, ever working city, my day ends at few hours into the night. As my Facebook and email inbox pile up with notifications, I sleep, only to rise up and know the news turned stale, the hype is over. And hey! I never played any of those ‘ville’ games yet.
Twitter for me is to read news articles. Only thing I know is how to follow someone. What is this craze about tweets? How do u hashtag things? How do you even tell someone you like their tweet? I am clueless.
Movies, I love watching them, ok, but I don’t want to spend my money on DVDs. A friend enlightens me: Stupid! Get them on torrent. Really! Can u get me one on the usb till I download this Torrent thing. You guessed it right, Torrent never entered my computer.
Cell phones are another one. I am blank when it comes to all these cell phone models in the market.
What is the difference between iPhone and iPod? well I atleast know how to google this one.
This story of my tech-illiteracy can go on forever…..
But do I belong in this freaking techno world. I wonder why am I not in a time where I can tend to horses in the stable and read a book sitting on the porch under the starlit sky.
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